The way of saint James: renewing insights
Enrique Alarcón Moreno ; Piotr Roszak
The Way of St. James has today the global importance it enjoyed for centuries; for, as a road to wisdom, it gathers and transforms people from all over the world. Hence, the Camino de Santiago has become the subject of many academic studies, in fields as diverse as anthropology, literature, tourism or theology.
This book, the result of multidisciplinary collaboration between several academic institutions, opens new perspectives to better understand the history and the present of the Way of Saint James. Avoiding the relapse into frequent topics, it is intended here to present contemporany lines of study and new results that shed light on lesser known aspects of the Camino.
- Escritor
- Enrique Alarcón Moreno
- Escritor
- Piotr Roszak
- Colección
- Fuera de Colección
- Materia
- Actualidad
- Idioma
- English
- 9788431332020
- 978-84-313-3202-0
- Depósito legal
- NA 1625-2017
- Páginas
- 186
- Ancho
- 17 cm
- Alto
- 24 cm
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-08-2017
Sobre Enrique Alarcón Moreno (Escritor)
Sobre Piotr Roszak (Escritor)
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